Friday, 26 April 2013

REPORT: “When the 7th Angel begins to sound” – Part 4

It was never God’s desire for the Israelites (Christians) to live with their enemies (sinful nature) in the land of promise (Zion). In view of this, Pastor Oyelese believed that migration towards Tabernacle feast or Phase implied attainment of a new nature as a precursor. Given the premium placed on the tabernacle feast as the ultimate goal of any purposeful christian, it is nonetheless second to none as the spiritual barometer in   identifying with the death, burial, resurrection, ascension and glorification of Jesus Christ. Oyelese harped on the need to embrace this transition from one phase to another noting, that, by scriptural doctrines, it  was never  an option but a requirement for all who desire to please God. It was clear from the Apostle’s viewpoint that God mandated us to have faith of Christ and not just faith in Christ.

On how to achieve this transition, Pastor Ademola Akinyemi expatiated that to move beyond Pentecost, required believers to prepare for spiritual warfare. To this end, he noted that the believer must learn to forgive anyone who sinned against him or her; avoid bitterness and bickering; defy distractions and be focused; run away from the wisdom of this age including motivational messages; put on the whole armour of warfare; tame one’s emotion so that it won’t shortchange him or her; refuse to be discouraged by anything and not to allow fear in any form.

Given the depth and quality of information revealed in this two- day seminar, it was clear that the event itself was divinely inspired to sensitize all, that the end of this age was fast approaching. Sam Oyelese, the Apostle put it succinctly that the sounding by the seventh angel (Revelation) indicates that the end of the nature of sin was at hand adding that we must be soaked in this truth so that many more could inherit the kingdom of God.
Entering the feast of Tabernacles he said, ‘’corresponds directly with the manifestation of the man-child spoken about in Revelation chapter eight. The one who has the “fullest of the nature of Christ is the man-child”, said Oyelese adding that Isaac (the child of promise) and Ishmael (a product of the flesh/ sinful nature) were allowed to live in the same house until the time came that Ishmael and Hagar (the very womb that produced Ishmael had to be cast out so that the child of promise could inherit it. He said to suppress the flesh was not enough but to remove its nature completely from us.

Pastor Oyelese said  the messages at the seminar represented the trumpet or sound of the seventh angel noting that as many as hearkened to the voice and pressed onto the Tabernacle feast would not die but inherit the promise of immortality. He averred that the sixth feast (atonement) provides a unique platform for repentance and subsequent union (of perfected nature) with God.
He did not mince words concerning the concerted effort by the kingdom of darkness to deceive people and cause them to miss the kingdom of God. In particular, he admonished brethren to beware of the deceptive posture of  Babylon at this period.
Defining Babylon as the glory of the worldly (which ranges from position of influence, to money, material things etcetera,)Oyelese disclosed that Christians were being unconsciously re-oriented to equate Babylonian treasure as the standard and indicators of godly blessings.

This practice he noted was fast gaining ground so much so that many Christian were beginning to forsake laying treasure in Zion in preference to Babylon. The glory of God was currently being suspended upon the earth declared Pastor Sam Oyelese, adding that the purpose of the suspension was to allow the sons of God to be completely separated from the nature of sin. “God will kill the desire for worldly things” and caused His sons to build Zion with precious stones, a process he said leads to perfection which in turn defeats death.


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