Can you remember the last time you cross- checked the blue print of God for your life? When was the last time you stopped to consider what you are building? Have you ever asked yourself, “Whose parameter am I using to build?” Who am I taking as a standard for my life, ministry, marriage and business? Who have I called to direct my building process? Who really committed this work into my hands? Who am I accountable to? Beloved let your heart be open today. God is not so moved by how much crowd you have been able to gather. There is a speed mentality that has hit the church today and that is making her to gather both goats and sheep together. Many are looking for popularity and large congregation without any kingdom value that can impact the world.
The truth remains that every man will stand before the throne of God to give account of his work here on earth. Apostle Paul was sent to the gentiles while Peter was sent to the Jews. The Bible says that He gave to every man grace according to his capacity and assignment. Have you realized that your assignment here on earth is not by your decision but by discovery? If truly it is by discovery, how come you are copying someone else in building what He has given you to build?
This is one problem I have with people that are used to particular number of keys and points for success in business, marriage or ministry. As much as information is good, revelation is even better. You cannot continue to read the same books, attend the same conferences, apply the same principles and still expect to get different results. You have leaned on information for so long. Information could either be an idea from the soul or an expired revelation (old order). There is however the fresh word and the divine information. It is called revelation. That is what heaven wants to make known to you today. It is the only thing that can set you above others.
Studying the life of Jesus, one would discover that He was 100% God and 100% man when He was on earth. Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself. He does only what He sees the Father do. Whatever the Father does the Son also does.” (John 5:19). Who are you then to absolutely depend on yourself and on the advice of mentors to build what God has called you for? I am not saying that having a mentor is bad, but you need to strike a balance and define your limit, recognizing that God is the one who has the final authority over you and your work. He is the one to whom you will submit your building reports and balance sheets. You must therefore be careful how you build. Remember this: you are building not to please men, but to please God. He owns the work and He has thought it wise to graciously appoint you to build for Him, so build according to His pattern and specifications alone.
There is a need for us to have a clear picture of what the Babylonian system called deception is all about. The Babylonian system represents everything that is anti-God in its operation. We shall consider the operations of Zion too. These two operations can easily be categorized under two systems: BRICKS and STONES.
Each of these systems has its own methods of operations. We shall get a better understanding by using Bricks and Stones as principal materials in building each system respectively. We would need to go through Genesis 11:1-8 again to first understand the dimensions of Babylon.
The principles of Babylon (Bricks)
The whole world were speaking the same language at this point in time which was a strength and energy for community works, therefore they decided to live together and found a plain land in Babylon.
The Babylonians chose a convenient place for themselves- a plain land not a rocky place neither valley. This implies that they chose a comfort-zone. The bible declares, “Woe unto them that are ease in Zion.” This means that in Zion you are neither living for yourself nor for comfort but for the will and pleasure of the Father.
They began to consult with each other, on chosen bricks instead of stone.
Bricks are ideas of men (man-made) whereas stone is a technology from God (blue print of the Spirit). Bricks have a molding formula (a constructed or designed shape that brings the exact figure) according to the size designed by man, while stones are of different shapes (purposes in a singular will of God). Bricks look alike because they are patterned after a particular mode - a symbol of limitation, competition and repetition but every stone is unique, either in size or shape (divine revelation to individuals are uniquely released by God). Bricks are easier in building compared to the stones of different shapes and sizes. Stones take more time and accurate positioning of the builder if the structure in question would be well built. Bricks on the other hand can easily stand on each other because it is of the same shape and mostly the same size.
They concluded in building a great city for themselves with a tower that reaches into the sky (heaven) and said this will make us famous on earth. (Genesis 11:4)
The motive of this people was wrong from the onset. We do not exist for ourselves but for God. This is the formula for success. However, the principles that Babylon is teaching are already being peddled in the church today. Your primary reasons for living and going into ministry should not be to have the biggest ministry or becoming the richest person in the land. It is to give pleasure to God by building according to His dictate.
To be continued.
The Bricks Versus The Stones by Isaac Arikawe (PART 6)
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