What a blast at
Upgrade 3 (the Christian Leadership Upgrade) last Saturday! (August 17). It was a time of
discovery, insight, revelation, excavation and re-construction.
There, we learned
about the builders of Zion versus the builders of Babylon-the great war of
values. In the first segment, we saw the architecture of Babylon and how their
builders capture culture, overturn the boundaries of creation, erect pillars of pollution destroying values and restraint, corrupting religion, weakening
righteousness and promoting alternate lifestyles. The architects of Babylon are purposely
engaging mindset, shifting paradigms away from the fear of God while those God
expected to build Zion and inculcate righteous values have changed their course
to raising block and cement, building gigantic edifices and external
paraphernalia instead of pulling down mental strongholds, overturn the high
places that condition the power centres of the earth.